Tessa Lee: Technical Artist

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Carnegie Learning Projects, Commence Beta!

I apologize for not posting in quite some time.  I've been shoulder deep in projects since two of my main projects are approaching their deadlines in March.  One of which is Modus Operandi.  You should check out the progress on its blog!

The other project are the four casual, but educational, games I've been programming for Carnegie Learning Inc.  Three of them have made it into Beta.  Please play-test them!  I could use all the feedback I can get!  Keep in mind that the art assets are still in development, so you'll be seeing a lot of wire-frames!

Alison Huettner, Carnegie Learning Project Manager
Patricia Huettel, Art Institute of Pittsburgh Project Manager
Jessica Leadbiter, Art Institute of Pittsburgh Junior Project Manager

Save The Garden - Beta Version 1.1
Tessa Liddington, Game Designer & Programmer
Amanda Wallenhorst, 2D Artist
Katherine McLellan-Benedict, 2D Artist

Poke The Animal - Beta Version 1.2
Robert Shilling, Game Designer
Tessa Liddington, Programmer
Alicia Thorpe, 2D Artist

Fly Trap - Beta Version 1.7
Theresa Drennan, Game Designer
Tessa Liddington, Programmer
Alicia Thorpe, 2D Artist